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So much wrong

This is a meditation on the parable of the persistent widow in the context of Europe's Migrants. The congregation sings the chorus of the hymn 'So much wrong and so much injustice' while the music to the verse is played while the voices speak.


Voice 1:
it's a long way home

home: not a physical place

but a dream of sanctuary

to be yourself

and when you are on a road without a destination
may you persist for home

(Congregation sings chorus)

Voice 1:

it’s a long way home
when home is violent or in conflict
home is a place where you can imagine a better world

or imagine a world that is better
but when the journey becomes is as dangerous as the staying
may you persist for home

(Congregation sings chorus)

Voice 1:
it’s a long way home
when home isn’t the other side of the border
for there people will fear you

poor and vulnerable though you are

for there is nothing more frightening
than coming face to face
with what you have no answer for
may you persist for home

(Congregation sings chorus)

Voice 1:
it’s a long way home for you
known in one place
now a stranger in another
and us that sees reflected in your face
who we have become to each other
yet for compassion may we persist
because for both of us
it is a long way home

(Congregation sings chorus
then verses 3 & 4)

(c) RHamilton2015



New Kilpatrick Parish Church

28 Kirk Place

Bearsden G61 3RT


Rev Roddy Hamilton

0141 942 8827


Scottish Charity SC012997


Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is copyright New Kilpatrick Church







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