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original liturgy
Being a free church, in that we aren't required to use specific liturgy for any specific occasion, nearly all our liturgy is freshly written for each Sunday
That means, excepting the Lord's Prayer and the Amen, no one will have heard what you will hear on a Sunday anywhere else or in any other era. Of course we love our heritage and tradition but that tradition is constantly in flux with the world and so our liturgy is new each week responding to that world, and holding onto that which anchors us through our traditions. Sometimes it works beautifully, marrying the season to world events, to the Gospel, to the text. Other times it isn't a perfect match but that is when we learn most about ourselves and the adventure we are on and realise we are creators with God in finding new words within The Word.
Here you'll find some of the original prayers, reflections and creative moments we have used.
They are all copyright but we'd love you to feel able to use them, edit them and adapt them to suit your own culture and traditions and time. Feel free to direct folk this way if you use these.