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Sunday 14 July:

Morning Worship, 10.30am.
A shared summer service with Bearsden Cross Parish Church. The service will be led by The Rev Dr Graeme Wilson.  We will share services at New Kilpatrick until Sunday 21 July, and then for four weeks from Sunday 28 July, we will move to the Cross Church. Together in worship and friendship over the summer months. 



Monday 15 July:

The Monday Club for senior citizens meets at NK’s halls. 2pm. Friendship, entertainment, and tea. (Rona: 0141 956 4318,



Wednesday 17 July:  
Midweek Service
11am in NK’s halls, followed by coffee & home baking.



Friday 19 July:
You’ll be welcome at the Coffee Pot. Good company and home baking. From 10am in NK’s halls.



Sunday 21 July:
Morning Worship
, 10.30am at New Kilpatrick.  A shared summer service with Bearsden Cross Parish Church, led by Carole Hough.



New Kilpatrick: While Roddy recuperates following his operation, The Rev Dr Graeme Wilson (0141 942 0507) and The Rev Andrew Frater (0141 956 4868) will cover any pastoral needs.



St Gregory’s Foodbank: Please fill the trug in NK’s halls with your donations. St. Gregory’s are always delighted to receive monetary donations too. NK’s halls are open Mon to Fri (9.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.).



Glasgow City Mission Fundraiser: Glasgow City Mission has been supporting those affected by homelessness, poverty & addiction in Glasgow for nearly 200 years.  


New Kilpatrick has supported The Mission for many years, including volunteering at the evening Drop Ins and the Overnight Welcome Centre, which this year saw nearly triple the number of guests compared to last year. 


On Friday 6th September, Eileen Young will be launching off from a crane down a zip wire alongside the river Clyde! She is hoping to raise £500 to support the work of The Mission.

If you are able to donate, please use this link:


For more information, you can contact Eileen on or 0141 942 8827.



Kelvingrove Organ Recitals:
Chris Nickol will be playing at Kelvingrove Art Gallery on Sunday afternoon at 3pm, and then on Sunday 21st July at 3pm and Thursday 25th July at 1pm.

New Kilpatrick Parish Church

28 Kirk Place

Bearsden G61 3RT


Rev Roddy Hamilton

0141 942 8827


Scottish Charity SC012997


Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is copyright New Kilpatrick Church







Sunday School












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