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Our Zoom Rooms are being redecorated for the summer. We'll be back with new wallpaper, furniture, content and activities after the holidays. No idea yet how it will all pan out but it is going to be great.

Singsong! has moved online and is open to all. Dementia friendly and space for everyone who just wants to sing some familiar songs together. Good for our wellbeing while isolating.


Meeting ID: 813 1166 9762
Password: 078692

Tuesday 14th
Sept 2pm
Image by Chris Montgomery
Quiz Night

A short multiple choice, general knowledge quite led by John McGee who will be channelling Magnus Magnusson. No prizes just shared laughter.


You can join by phone:

0131 460 1196

Meeting ID: 721 781 684


Think Tank

A discussion about safely returning and how we might learn to blend what we do online with what we might do face-to-face.


You can join by phone:

0131 460 1196

Meeting ID: 8853 1769 8075

Returns in October
Image by Alina Grubnyak
Sofa Surfers

An open group where we enjoy a great eclectic mix of stories, trips, insight, fun, and possibility.


You can join by phone:

0131 460 1196

Meeting ID: 868 4884 5051

7pm from October
Coffee Pot

A weekly coffee with all our friends. Home baking is available but you need to supply that yourselves. Jut a round screen (rather than round table) blether and catch-up.


You can join by phone:

0131 460 1196

Meeting ID: 406 548 838

10.30am after summer
Image by Ben Wicks
Zoomday School

Beginners & Sunday Clan

all together at 9.45-10.15


Login details are emailed to parents every Thursday. If you need reminding please phone 07712659996 or 0141 942 8827 on Sunday morning.

Sunday 29th
August 9.45

New Kilpatrick Parish Church

28 Kirk Place

Bearsden G61 3RT


Rev Roddy Hamilton

0141 942 8827


Scottish Charity SC012997


Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is copyright New Kilpatrick Church







Sunday School












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