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O the nearness of it all
the cusp
the brink
the fringe
the threshold
the unfolding
the rumour

the prophets have spoken
and the time is now
incarnation is slipping into skin
Come, O come Emmanuel




In darkness
in light
in the places between

in words
in scripture
in the silences between

in mangers
in palaces
in the corridors between

in the waiting
in the hurting
in the emotions between

in the between places
O God
where light kindles but does not yet spark
where words are written but do not yet have breath
where people travel but are still to arrive
where life is lived but the redeemer has not yet come
in the between places
O God
may we meet you
our advent hope
our becoming
our soon but not yet

In such a place
we gather
and speak hope
into the season

So be it



Advent 1

                          Exodus 1 & 2


Becomes Flesh


In the advent of hope
all we have
are words
to speak into this waiting place
and music to hold us in hope

May we begin the wonder
and hold the hope
of a world
reimagined in brith

and journey to that place
where promise breathes anew
and the word…
becomes flesh




Do you notice how something has happened to the light?
It curves just slightly
towards a rumour in the east

And the air
It flows
south east
like a whisper of angels

And words
filled with promise
rearranging themselves
on the cusp of a new headline

Do you notice the music
evoking dance steps
for stars yet to be born

And can we imagine these are linked
sharing the anticipation
of what the world has not yet heard

an advent affair
moving in the dark
beneath ancient layers of faith
with a new heartbeat
god’s greatest conspiracy:



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