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In love we gather
in love we make a place here
in love we shape the body

and worship

In love we meet each other
in love we speak each other’s names
in love we welcome the body

and worship

In love we share the wonder
in love we pause in silence
in love we wait as the body

and worship

Let us do to
in love for each other




May our prayer
be a hope
of coming together
on common ground

May our prayer
be a beginning
of sharing stories
beyond our own

May our prayer
be a celebration
of a diversity
called a parish

May our prayer
be a love
that opens itself
to the lives of others

May our prayer
be a call
that sends us out
to love our community

May our prayer
be a way
that becomes a living
of gospel truth

Hear us
So be it



Body of Christ

                             Romans 12:9-21




Loving God
in such a place as this
shaped by generations
their stories the mortar of our faith
may we breath in the silence
and stand here
in the wonder
of the love that calls us
and reshapes us
each day

that has stretched across the generations
and called your people
into the body of christ

and in this truth
this possibility
this promise
may we gather in your name

that we might speak of wonder
and make here and adventure of question
and trust here a kingdom of grace
and be here a body in love

Loving God
we bring all we are
the bruises and the joys
the pains and the passion
the worry and the wrongs
and in honesty
and humility
meet you
O God of love
gracious and forgiving love
and let that love
renew us
reshape us
reawaken us
as your body
your community of life
and live here again
in your name
sharing your peace
and called your people

Loving God
in this possible place
may we know your unconditional love
your eternal hope
your presence of compassion
and your hand
holding it all

So be it





a generosity of grace
a plethora of compassion
a self giving of self, given
May we live in such a way O God

permission to be ourselves
an invitation to life freely
a possibility of the fullness of life
May we live in such a way O God

a way to live towards each other
a way to give in the name of each other
a way to travel throughout all of life
May we live in such a way O God

May we be real
May we be truthful
May we be learners
May we be forgivers
May we be companions
May we be

the word that takes on flesh
the word that speaks to power
the word that comes to life in you O Jesus
May we follow you all the way

So be it



New Kilpatrick Parish Church

28 Kirk Place

Bearsden G61 3RT


Rev Roddy Hamilton

0141 942 8827


Scottish Charity SC012997


Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is copyright New Kilpatrick Church







Sunday School












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