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Statement of Faith


Leader:   Who is the spirit?
Lectern:  She shifts the grey into colour,
Pulpit:     gathers silence into song.
All:          She is the creator and we will sing of her

Leader:   Who is the spirit?
Lectern:  Composer of the chorus new every dawn,
Pulpit:     the breeze making music through the leaves 

                   of the trees.
All:          She is the song and we will sing with her

Leader:   Who is the spirit?
Lectern:  Maker, creator, inventor, weaver,
Pulpit:     dancer, designer, disorder, discerning
All:          She is our freedom and we will play with her

Leader:   Who is the spirit?
Lectern:  breathes new life into all we are now
Pulpit:     reimagines always who we might yet be
All:          She is our adventure and we will follow her

Leader:   Who is the spirit?
Lectern:  The artist that colours outside our lines,
Pulpit:     the invitation to go there, and learn something                   new.
All:          She is our diversity and we will explore with her

Leader:   Who is the spirit?
Lectern:  She is the energy of God within us
Pulpit:     the spirit of Jesus between us
All:          She is the church and we will celebrate her



Pentecost 2019

                             Acts 2:1-11


Pentecost Story


Sing ‘Send out your spirit upon the earth’ through this four times.


As colours are mentioned long strands of cloth are brought to the worship space and tied together round a hoop. This is later pulled up having has flames with our gifts written on them attached to it during the service as an act of dedication: this is who we are and who we will be.

It was chaos at first
a wild creation full of water
and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters
but when the spirit breathed
the blue water separated
and created space for cosmos

Shaping the green of the land
where life put down roots
and stretched up branches
Send out your spirit upon the earth O Lord

Send out your Spirit upon the earth
and let your Spirit bring us to birth.
Send out your spirit and make us new
till all creation returns to you

When there is silence
when words should be spoken
the spirit speaks them through the prophets
The spirit entered me when he spoke to me,
and set me on my feet
and with words red with anger and passion
of warning to the mighty
and anger towards those who forget the poor
the hungry, the orphan
Send out your spirit upon the earth

Send out your Spirit upon the earth
and let your Spirit bring us to birth.
Send out your spirit and make us new
till all creation returns to you

The cleansing flame
the light to the nations
the purifying yellow and orange
of the fire
that brings light and heat
in desert wilderness for forty years
or in purifying of the gold
a rebirth through fire and renewal

Send out your Spirit upon the earth
and let your Spirit bring us to birth.
Send out your spirit and make us new
till all creation returns to you

The fruits of the spirit
the royal (purple) diversity
of kindness, patience, joyfulness, goodness, faithfulness
that we share,
and build our community around
evidence of the spirit in the life our the church

Send out your Spirit upon the earth
and let your Spirit bring us to birth.
Send out your spirit and make us new
till all creation returns to you



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