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open hearts, open minds, open faith
There is a place
deep in all of us
beyond nationalism
that hears only silence
that knows its depth
its pain
its hope
and its story
It is that silence we touch today
and share between us
in remembrance
for that for which we have no words
yet for that for which shapes us to become more fully human
Let us gather there again
and know because we can hold silence
we still have hope
and in that depth of remembrance
we worship
Listen, I have a vision, a long vision
that one day there will be fields
known for battles, terrible battles
scattered with the names of too many
whose own stories have bled into the earth
and now haunt the dithering cornflower;
fields whose histories have shamed us
and honoured us at the same time;
fields so vast they contain all the stories
of our conflicts and loss and hopes and cost;
fields that stretch beyond the eye,
yet where no poppy is found;
fields where there is no curve of red,
flicker of crimson,
fragility of scarlet,
for these are fields where no foot has trod,
and no body has fallen,
and no shell has exploded,
and no tank has driven,
where no poppy seed,
seeds that need ground to be disturbed to grow,
have been given that chance,
for we have listened to the stories of the ghosts
and humanity has learned to live with each other
without marching through fields to war.
I have a vision, a long vision,
that one day there will be fields, many fields
and each will be bereft of poppies.
James 1:19-27
Loving God
may we finish with the words
that speak too much
about power and right
about heroes and patriotism
May we instead
stay with the silence
that shapes compassion
and pain
and a truth
too deep to speak of
the silence
that moves us towards each other
in that unique space
that knows
what we truly share
in this day
and what we do together
in this act
and what it means for us all
that is costly
worth something
beyond the excuses
and reasoning
and politics the world offers
May we let the words lie
in the poppy fields of Flanders
on the peninsula of Gallipoli
the beaches of Juno and Gold
in the mountains of Afghanistan
in the ruins of Syria
and let the silence speak
and tell the greater story
of our humanity
and our hope
that knows the cost of such silence
and what such silence tells us about ourselves
May we listen
O God
to the silence
and hear the silence
that returns
So be it
Listen to the silence
for in such silence
we begin to see the forms
of men and women
appearing around us
faint shifts in the pattern of the air
that hint at vague outlines
of those who are missing
It is the depth of their silence
that reminds us of such cost
moves us more deeply
for what is profound
more than laying aside our words
and our points of view
silencing our politics of power
is creating the space
to listen to the other
and hear only silence returned
Listen to the silence
for in such a silence
we find the truth
of our humanity