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Loving God
dare we believe
not in resurrection
not in empty tombs
not in salvation and redemption

but that you love us
just as we are
all the things we bring
all the baggage we carry
all the hurts we have received and given out
still you love us

We gather here
far from being perfect
but up to our necks in being human
and all the idealism and reality
that brings
and still you love us

May we stop the tangled ideas
of why and how
we find you
on the other side of the tomb
and may we instead
simply dare
to love like you love
live as you lived
speak as you speak

and may we find
in such simple ways
there is the possibility of new life
the redeeming of all we have been
the reliving of all we are
and as we come here
in whatever language we speak
whatever faith we question
whatever lifestyle we live
whatever gender we describe
whatever culture we follow
whatever skin colour we own
may we know you love
everyone who is not like us
as you unconditionally
love us too

and it is in this way:
which must be the only way
we discover resurrection
into a way of living
beyond the world’s rules
theology’s limits
the churches red lines
and are set free
from all that binds us
limits us
dulls us
into that which is alive again

So be it


Feed my Lambs

                             John 21:15-19


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