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The rain
dulls the season
with its dank weight
removing the lustre
fresher days

crisp mornings
are instead mist filled
and heavy clouds
grey-in the day

but did you know
this is just cover
for the promise
the promise
that is more glorious
than all the frosty mornings
and clear skies
and low sun
can bring

right now
words are rehearsed
and wings shined
and the promise unfolded

In this season
behind the grey
is a light
that will find
the crack
in the darkest moments
and will run through

with alleluias
and gloria’s of good news
and peace to all people
and each will curl and twist
will bind and curve together
in a performance of wonder
as they take the shape
of a migrant child
vulnerable and fragile
made all of light

And we will see him
rising in the east
with the dawn

he is one of us








Welcome to Advent


welcome to the waiting season
where the light prepares
and the angels stir
and the stars shift
and the word…

...the word begins to put on flesh
to move among us…

…among us
if we are quiet enough
there is a song
being sung
an ancient song
yet spoken for us…

…for us
a child is born
it is a song of promise
of hope
of incarnation…

finds us here
brought to the cusp of Advent:
let us sing to the world
the news
the prophets spoke of
Christ is on the way




Make Merry



Make merry the cheer
for solstice turns the year

With noise
beat back the shadows,
with candles
light the gloom
Let not the darkness win the day
but with the joy of expectation
and trust in the birth of light
face advent bravely
within the faith of the prophets
and their ancient promise of renewal:

the child is born
into this darkness

into the greater weight of winter
and the onslaught of shadows
hope casts a curve
and it is enough
to let the light get in

so make merry the time
bring on the cheer
it is to defeat of the darkness
with the confidence of promise
and the daring faith
of those who know
this child
is made of promise.

New Kilpatrick Parish Church

28 Kirk Place

Bearsden G61 3RT


Rev Roddy Hamilton

0141 942 8827


Scottish Charity SC012997


Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is copyright New Kilpatrick Church







Sunday School












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